Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cameraless Filmmaking

My experience with cameraless filmmaking so far has been a bit counterintuitive, to say the least. I've enjoyed everything so far, but the way my mind (and I think I can say that generally most people's mind work like this) works I create what is in front of me to look good in front me. So, for instance, when making the magazine cut outs, I tried to create an interesting collage, one where the images played off others in close proximity and the stressing the importance of spatial orientation and other aspects that certainly matter if you are looking straight at it but when cut into strips and played at 24 frames per second through a projector will have a completely different format, energy, and aesthetic. The same with the ink painting. I really enjoyed doing it and think I created some cool patterns and images. I liked experimenting with it, because the film didn't react like other substances to the ink, so that alone created a unique texture but then there was also the addition of the oil and painting with that. The way the oil seperated from the ink created unpredicatble patterns. It has hard working with these at first, especially with the oil (it was hard to even get it out of the bottle cap when mixed together because it kept seperating; eventually I had to just use two different bottle caps). It was also hard when they got onto the filn strip to have them do something I wanted to or for the ink to really show up at all. However with experimentation and continually throwing more and more ink down and then trying different combinations of ink and oil, it eventually stayed down and made an interesting image. Again, I'm pleased with how it eventually turned it, just at face value, but it will be a whole different thing once it is run through a projector and I'll be every interested to see what it is like. As far as the magaizine cut outs, we watched all of those but I couldn't even tell which ones were mine. I guess my images just weren't distinctive enough at that small scale. I also think I may not have gotten the pulp off correctly, but I don't really know so I'm not sure I'll be able to do much better next time. I guess I'll just keep experimenting. I'm interested to try the film development portion, because I haven't gotten to that yet.

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